Thursday, 20 July 2017

IPM stands for Integrated Pest Management. It involves the mother lode of procedures that are necessary to facilitate the makings of an efficient pest control company. In 1969, Everett J. (Deke) Dietrick coined the term of IPM.
IPM allows for a safer level of pest control.
·         Monitor: Doing in-depth research is very beneficial. It certainly pays to monitor the movement of the pests. Various statistical methods are involved such as thorough sampling of various methods and procedures, getting the numbers, and so on. It is important to observe the ratio of pests to beneficials and go ahead from there. Many tools are available such as the D-Vac Vacuum Insect Net. This tool helps to keep track of the progress of the biological pest movement. This is also very practical for decision making.
·          Avoiding certain chemicals: Everett stated, very clearly, that there should be no use of harmful pesticides or insecticides. Residential pest control services are always better off with the ‘no-use’ policy. There are certain classes of pesticides that not only kill off the pests but also kill the beneficial flora and fauna, thus causing a disruption in the ecosystem. Disruption to the ecosystem is certainly not acceptable.
·         Cultural Practices: Different practices can be made a part of the company’s culture like hedging, refuge management, crop rotation, strip cutting, and so on. These practices can result in uniformed seamless results.
·         Introduction of New Species: Dietrick has given certain specific rules to ensure that there are no after effects of ensuring that newly introduced species cause problems and become invasive themselves. What a pest control company has to take into account is that, even though there are benefits to such biological pest control, care has to be taken that the species does not cause any harm to the environment.
·         Refuge Safeguards: It is very important that there be safeguards built to manage pests. Such safeguards can involve planting of carnivorous plants, natural barriers, or artificial structures.

It is utmost essential that any pest control company take into consideration the different aspects told by the standard IPM for a smooth functioning of the company.